Biblical Commandments

A common discussion about the Law of God is how to know which apply and how they apply from a scriptural standpoint. To further understand each one. What follows is my current understanding, going through all 613 commandments of the Torah and all 1050 of the New Testament together, in an attempt to show the overlap, the repetition, how we can see what stands and what doesn't, and which commands apply to whom. What I have done is take the lists from  JewFaq and CAI  and merge them together, with some commentary from a Messianic perspective.

I hope this helps to simplify things for people wondering, as there are almost no resources, that I have found, which lay it all out so directly. Where you see links is where I have done a more in depth assessment of that Law.

I have already written in my piece on Categorizing the Laws of Adonai the importance of why we follow God's Laws. Let that be your base for this, to further review what those laws are as a whole and how we make an effort to follow them. I have done some "sub-categorizing" for simplification, with TL, Torah Law, or NTL, New Testament Law, marked.

Laws for relating to God:

1. To know that Adonai exists, and is the one and only God; Elohim in three persons - Abba, Yeshua, Ruach Hakodesh. Knowing that the Messiah has come once and will come again. NTL. TL 1, 2,6. Ex 20:2, Deut 5:6, Ex 20:3, Duet 6:4, Matt 6:33, 10:28, 24:44, Luke 10:28, 12:5,31,40, Eph 5:14, Heb 10:35, 11:6, 12:2, Jam 5:7-8, 1 Pet 2:17, 1 John 3:23, Rev 3:2, 14:7

2. To keep his name Holy and not to misuse it in any way. NTL. TL 3-5. Lev 22:32. Col 3:8

3. To Love, Fear and Respect Adonai with all out Heart, Mind, and Being; to write the Word of Elohim on our minds, hearts, and actions. NTL. TL 7, 8, 19, 20. Duet 6:5,8,13, 10:20, Matt 7:7, 5:43, 11:29, 19:19, 22:37, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:27,12:36, John 15:4, Acts 13:40-41, Rom 12:1-2, 13:9, 15:11, Eph 2:11-12, 4:30, 6:4, 1 Cor 6:20, 10:31, 16:13, Phil 1:27, 4:1 Col 3:2-23, Gal 5:14, 1 Tim 1:8, 4:15, Heb 12:28, 13:13, Jam 4:7, 1 Pet 3:15, 4:1,13, 2 Pet 3:17, 1 John 3:13, Jude 20

4. To not make any graven image, no form of an idol above Adonai; nor encourage in any way others to do so, or adopt any practice from an Idol. NTL. TL 33, 34, 312, 315, 316, 318-324, 330-333.  Ex 20:4-5, 23:13, 34:17, Lev 18, 19:4, 20:23, Deut 7:25-26, 12:2-313:4-12,  Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8, Acts 15;20, 1 Cor 10:7-14, 1 John 4:1, 5:21

5. Not to put God to the Test, in word or action. NTL. TL 9. Duet 6:16, Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12, 1 Cor 10:9

6. To Imitate the example of Elohim, Not only in action but in compassion, love, mercy, etc. NTL. TL 10. Duet 28:9, Matt 4:19, 6:3, 16:24, Mark 8:34, 10:21, Luke 6:36, 9:23, 10:37, 11:35, 12:29-35, 22:36 John 15:9, 21:19 Rom 12:9-16, 13:12-14, 1 Cor 5:8, 11:1, 14:1, 15:58, 2 Cor 5:17, 7:1, Gal 5:16,25, Eph 5:1-9, 6:18, Phil 3:17,4:9, Col 2:6-7, 3:12-14, 4:5, 1 Thess 4:12, 5:8-15,  1 Tim 4:12, 6:11, 2 Tim 2:22 Tit 2:2, Heb 6:1-12, 12:14, Jam 5:13 1 Pet 2:22, 3:8, 4:8, 1 John 1:7, 3 John 11, Jude 22

7. Not to add, take away, or alter the commandments of the Word of God. NTL. TL 14, 15. Duet 12: 32, 13:1, Rev 22:18-19

8. That we should all write a book of the Torah for ourselves. TL 16. Duet 31:19

9. To be relational to our Abba, our Father. This includes Prayer, Thankfulness after meals, talking about scripture day and night, faith and love even to death and suffering, Trusting in him. NTL. TL 22-24. Duet 6:7-13, 8:10, Isa 57:15, Matt 6:5-9,25, 31-34, 7:7-11, 10:9-19, 20:31, Mark 6:8-9, 13:9-11 Luke 9:3, 10:4, 12:7-12,22-30 21:14,34, John 16:23-26, Rom 12:11-12, 12:18, 1 Cor 7:28-35, 14:26, 2 Cor 12:11, Eph 5:17-20, 6:10, Phil 3:1, 4:4-6, Col 3:15-17, 4:2, 16:13, 1 Tim 1:19, 6:12-19, 2 Tim 2:1-3, 4:51, Heb 4:16, 10:19-23, 12:1, 13:15, Jam 1:4-19, 3:13, 4:0, 5:4, 1 Pet 1:13, 4:2-7, 16-19, 5:7,  2 Pet 3:8, 1 John 2:15, Jude 3, 20, 21, Rev 2:5-10, 3:11, 4:7    

10. That we recognize the New Month, the month of Nissan. TL 107. Ex 12:2

11. To keep the Sabbath Holy, a day of Rest. NTL. TL 108-111. Ex 16:29, 20:8-10,23:12, 34:21, Rom 14:5-7, 1 Cor 11:24-26, Heb 10

12. To celebrate and keep God's Holy Days. A Christian Look at the Biblical Feasts NTL. TL 112-142, 450-453, Ex 12:16-20, 13:7-8, Lev 23,  Deut 16:3-16, Num 9, 29:1, Matt 6:17, Rom 14:5-7, Col 2:14-18, Heb 10:25

13. To sound the Shofar on the Sabbath Year. TL 216. Lev 25:9

14. To count the years of Jubilee and keep the Jubilee year holy. TL 221, 222. Lev 25:8-10

15. Do not drink the wine of Idolaters, nor show favor to them. NTL. TL 317, 352, 354. Ex 23:33, Deut 7:2, 32:28, Eph 5:7

16. Do not practice magik in any form nor consult with the occult; nor encourage anyone to do so. NTL.  TL 335-344. Lev 19:26-31, Deut 18:10-11, Eph 5:11

17. Do not adopt the traditions of the pagans in worship; such as special hair cutting, tattoos for the dead, special tree ceremonies, monoliths, repetitions. NTL. TL 346-351, 353. Lev 19:27-28, Deut 14:1, 16:21-22, Matt 6:7, 1 Cor 5:7, 2 Cor 6:17

18. That Believers take part in what is Holy, and apply an effort to keep it Holy. *Rabbinical additions have said this means all must be physically circumcised to take part in any Holy thing but readily admit that such a claim is not truly from the Torah.* NTL. TL 402, Ex 12:44-45, Lev 22:10 1 Cor 11:28 Eph 4:25

19. That with the coming of the Messiah we be repentant, turn to God in conversion, be baptized in the name of Elohim and be transformed into new creations. *Not truly a new command so much as an adaptation over all Law.* NTL. Matt 5:12, Mark 1:15, Acts 2:38, 3:19, Rom 12:2, 15:10, Eph 4:22-24, Phil 3:14-15, Col 3:9-16, Heb 3:1, 4, 12, 12:3, 1 Pet 1:14, 5:8, 2 Pet 3:14, Rev 2:25, 3:19

In Relation to God and to People:

 1. To learn God's Law, to obey it, and to teach it; being ready and able to explain our faith, knowledgeable in the Word of God.. NTL.  TL 12. Duet 6:7. Matt 5:16,48, 10:16, 19:17, 24:4, Mark 13:5, Luke 12:29-35, 21:8, John 5:39, 14:15, Acts 20:28, Rom 12:13, Rom 14:22-23, 1 Cor 3:10-18, 6:9-10, 8:9, 14:20, 15:34, 58, 16:22, 2 Cor 13:5-11, Gal  1:8-9, 5:1, 6:4-8, Eph 5:6-17, 6:11-15, Phil 2:29, 3:2, Col 2:8, 1 Thess 2:3, 4:11, 5:6-19, 21, 2 Thess 2:5,15, 3:6, 1 Tim 3:15, 4:7-16, 5:19-22, 6:2,14, 2 Tim 2:1-24, 4:5 Tit 2:1, Heb 3:6, 10:23, 12:12,13:9, Jam 1:21-22, 5:8, 1 Pet 1:13, 2:2, 3:14, 4:10, 5:2, 2 Pet 3:2, 1 John 3:7, Jude 17, 18, Rev 3:3

 2. To circumcise the male offspring, to all be circumcised of the heart. Circumcision and the Believer NTL. TL 17. Gen 17:12, Lev 12:3, 1 Cor 7:18

 3. To wear tassels with a blue thread, tzitzit, on the corners of clothing. What are those Blue Tassels? TL 18. Num 15:28

 4. To affix Mezuzah on the doorposts of your home. *Some would dismiss this in context with Teffalin and thus can be debated* TL 21. Duet 6:9

 5. To follow Yahweh's dietary restrictions for our health and to set us apart. Dietary Laws NTL. TL 143-157, 162-167. Gen 32:33, Ex 21: 28, 22:30, 23:19, 34:26, Lev 7:23-26, 11, Deut 14:21, 22:6-7, Acts 15:20-29,  Rom 14:3

 6. To not be a glutton, including in eating or drinking. NTL. TL 169. Lev 19:26, Deut 21:20, Luke 21:34, Rom 13:13, Eph 5:18, 1 Pet 2:11

 7. To assemble to hear the Torah at the close of the Sabbath Year and at Holy Days. TL 220. Lev 21,  Deut 31:12

 8. Do not indulge in evil thoughts and sights, nor even the appearance of. NTL. TL 284. Num 15:39, Rom 6:12, 12:2-21, 13:12-14, 14:19, 1 Cor 10:6,25-30, 15:34, Eph 4:17, 5:15, Phil 4:5-8, 1 Thess 4:4-5, 5:22, 1 Tim 2:19, 5:14, Heb 10:24, Jam 1:21, 1 Pet 1:15-16, 2:1, 3:11, 2 Pet 3:14

 9. To discern false prophets, not being in fear of them. NTL. TL 311. *We do not kill them as that goes against the laws of the land. The law here would say we could not that we should or must.* Deut 18:22, Isa 56:10, Matt 7:15, 10:17, 16:6-12, Mark 8:15, 12:38, Luke 20:46, Rom 16:17, 2 Thess 3:14, Phil 3:2-17, Tit 3:10, 2 John 10-11

10. To heed the words of true prophets. NTL. TL 309. Deut 18:15 Mark 4:24, Luke 8:18, 9:49-50, 1 Thess 5:20, 2 Tim 2:2

 11. Not to Prophesy falsely, but desire to prophesy correctly, likewise to desire the use of Gifts and use them properly. NTL. TL 310. Ex 20:17, Deut 18:20, 1 Cor 12, 14, 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:6, 2:16

 12. To redeem (dedicate) The firstborn human male. *This is where Baby Dedication comes from.* TL 368. Ex 13:13, 34:20, Num 18:15

 13. To despise the Idolaters teachings, yet grant them justice in handling them. NTL. TL 325-329. Deut 3:9, Rom 16:17

 14. To tithe and offer appropriately. NTL. TL 403, 404, 409-415, 417, 418, 420-425. Ex 22:28, 30:13, Lev 27:30-33, Deut 12:17, 14:22-29, 18:4, 26:13-14, Num 18:24-26, Col 3:17, Rev 14:7

15. To avoid contact with things which defile us, or properly be cleaned if we do get contact; like defiled foods, bugs, dead animals and illness. NTL. TL 561-571, 573, 575, 576. Lev 11:29-39, 12:2-5, 13:2-49, 14:34-46, 15:1-16, Num 19:11-22, Matt 10:8, 2 Cor 6:17, 7:1, 1 Tim 5:22 Jam 4:8

16. Never settle in the Land of Egypt. *This must be permanent Only, not a temporary settlement as Jesus himself was moved to Egypt as a child for a time and he can not have sinned.* TL 273. Deut 17:16.

In Relation to People:

 1. To Honor those older and wiser than us, including our Father and Mother. NTL. TL 11, 59-62. Ex 20:12, 21:15-17, Lev 19:3,32, Matt 18:10, 19:19, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 12:10, Eph 6:1-2, Col 3:20, 1 Tim 3:2-12, 5:1-7, 17, Tit 1:6-9, Heb 13:7-17, 1 Pet 5:5

2. To be fruitful and Multiply. TL 63. Gen 1:28

 3. To cleave to believers, to love them, keeping unity and Shalom. Distancing when needed. NTL. TL 13, 26. Lev 19:18, Duet 10:20, Matt 5:24, 10:11-13, 23:8-9, Mark 6:10, Luke 9:4, John 10:5-8, 13:34, 15:12, 17, Acts 20:28, Rom 12:10-16, 14:1-15, 15:2-12, 1 Cor 5:11, 8:13, 14:12, 2 Cor 6:17, 13:11, Gal 5:14-15, 26, 6:2, Eph 4:32,5:21, Phil 2:2, Col 3:16, 1 Thess 4:18, 5:11-14, 2 Thess 3:6, 14, 1 Tim 1:3, 2 Tim 1:8, Heb 13:1, Jam 3:1, 5:16, 1 Pet 2:17, 3:8, 4:1, 5:3,5, 1 John 3:18, 23, 4:7-11, 21, 2 John 1:5

 4. To love the stranger, including the unbeliever and our enemy. but distancing as needed. NTL. TL 53. Duet 10:19, Matt 5:25, 44, 10:8,26-28, Luke 6:27-28, 35 12:5, Rom 12:12-14, 13:13, 2 Cor 8:12, 9:7, Gal 6:10, Eph 4:32 1 Thess 5:14-15, 1 Tim 5:21, 6:3-6, 2 Tim 2:24, Heb 13:2, 1 Pet 3:8,

 5. To help when someone is in danger or in need of assistance. This includes assiting the Widow and orphan and not afflicting those worse off than us; do not show off or brag of assisting. NTL. TL 27, 37, 38, 40-52, 265, 266. Ex 22:21, 23:5, Lev 19:9-16, 23:22, Deut 15:7-11, 22:4, 24:19-20, 25:12, Matt 5:40-42, 6:1-2, 10:8, 23:3-33, Luke 3:11-14, 6:29-30, 10:9, 14:13, 22:36, Rom 12:13-10, 1 Cor 16:2, 2 Cor 9:7, 2 Thess 3:13, 1 Tim 5:3-16, 1 Pet 2:17

6. To be aware and intentional in our speech; to not lie, slander, gossip, or wrong anyone, to keep your word. NTL. TL 28, 29, 54, 203-209, 270-272. Ex 20:7, 22:20, Lev 19:11-16, 25:17, Deut 10:20, 19:14, 23:22-24, Num 30:2-17, Matt 5:33-37, Mark 10:19, Rom 14:16, Eph 4:29-31, 5:3-4, 1 Thess 4:12, Phil 1:27, 2:14, Col 3:8-9, 4:6, 1 Tim 6:20, 2 Tim 2:23, Tit 3:9, James 3:10, 5:12,  1 Pet 3:11

 7. To not bear a grudge, feed anger and keep hatred; this includes to not take revenge as if we remove such things we would not wish revenge. NTL, TL 30-32. Lev 19:17-18, Matt 18:22, Mark 11:25-26, Luke 6:37, Rom 12:19, 13:13, Eph 4:26-32, Col 3:8-13, 1 Pet 2:1, Heb 12:15,  Jam 5:9

8. To not put anyone to shame, Jew or Isrealite. NTL. TL 33, 34. Lev 19:14-17, 1 Pet 5:5

 9. To not cause another to stumble in their walk with God. NTL. TL 35. Lev 19:14, Rom 14:13, 1 Cor 10:32, 1 Tim 2:9-10, 1 Pet 3:3-4

 10. To rebuke the sinner and help them to Yahweh. NTL. TL 36. Lev 19:17, Matt 7:5, 10:14, 16:24, Mark 6:11, 8:34, Luke 6:42, 9:5, 23, 10:10-11, 17:3, Eph 5:11, 1 Thess 5:14, 2 Thess 3:15, 1 Tim 5:20, 2 Tim 2:25, 4:2, Titus 1:13, 2:15, Heb 13:3, 1 John 5:16

 11. To behave properly in our business actions; to not wrong anyone, to be above board. NTL. TL 55, 57, 58, 170-202. Ex 21:2-6, 22:20-24, Lev 19:13-35, 25, Deut 15:3, 23:16-26, 24:6-17, 25:13-14, Luke 3:14, 6:30-35, Rom 12:11, 13:8, 1 Thess 4:11, Heb 6:12

12. Do not sell land in perpetuity. TL 267, 268. Lev 25:23

 13. To release debts on the sabbath year. TL 217, 218, 219. Deut 15:2

 14. To not be unequally yoked. NTL. TL 56. Deut 7:3 2Cor 6:14-15

 15. Do not curse a judge. NTL.  TL 239. Ex 22:27 Rom 13:1

 16. If you have evidence in a case then testify in court truthfully. TL 242, 243. Ex 23:1, Num 35:30

 17. To be aware and not cause injury to another. TL 263, 264. Deut 22:8

 18. Do not Steal, if you do return it. NTL. TL 274, 275, 280, 281. Lev 5:23, 19:11-13, Matt 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Rom 13:9, Eph 4:28

 19. Return lost property, even if it is inconvenient. TL 276, 277. Deut 22:1-3

 20. Do not commit Murder. NTL. TL 278. Ex 20:13, Matt 5:21, 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 3:14, Eph 4:26-31, 18:20, Romans 13:9, James 2:11

 21. Do not kidnap. TL 279. Ex 20:13

 22. Do not Envy. NTL. TL 283. Deut 5:18, Luke 12:15, Rom 13:9-13, 1 Cor 10:24, Heb 13:5

 23. Wear the clothing of your born gender. TL 365, 366. Deut 22:5

 24. Do not wear garments of wool and linen blended. TL. 367. Deut 22:11

 25. Handle leprosy with care, do not shave the scab, cleanse the home and person, do not damage the marks. TL 577-580. Lev 13:33, 14:1-9, Deut 24:8

 26. Do not curse your governing official. NTL. TL 581. Ex 22:27, Rom 13:1-8, Heb 13:24, 1 Pet 2:13-17

In Relation to the World around Us:

 1. Not to leave an animal struggling unaided. TL 39. Deut 22:4

 2. Do not castrate the male of any species. TL 106. Lev 22:24

 3. To cover the blood of undomesticated animals and fowl that have been killed. TL 168. Lev 17:13

 4. To not take the mother bird when collecting eggs, to not kill mother and child the same day. TL 159-161. Lev 22:28, Deut 22:6-7

 5. To not eat a limb from a living animal. TL 158, Deut 12:23

 6. To let the land rest on the Sabbath Year and Jubilee Year. TL 210-215, 223-226. Ex 23:11, Lev 25:2-11

 7. Do not crossbreed livestock of different species. TL 358. Lev 19:19

 8. Do not crossbreed seeds of different species. TL 359. Lev 19:19

 9. Do not eat the fruit of a tree 3 years old or younger, the 4th year is sacred. TL 360, 361. Lev 19:23-24

 10. Do not sow grains or herbs in a vineyard. TL 362. Deut 22:9

 11. Do not eat the produce of diverse seeds grown in a vineyard. TL 363. Deut 22:9

 12. Do not work with beasts of different species yoked together. TL 364. Deut 22:10

 13. To redeem the firstling of an ass, and if not redeemed break its neck. TL 369, 370. Ex 13:13,  34:20.

 14. Do not redeem the firstling of a clean beast. TL 371. Num 18:17

 15. Do not plow or sow a field where cattle have been killed doing so. *In other words, do not make an animal do a knowingly dangerous job and thus risk the life of it for a minor reason.* TL 297. Deut 21:4

 16. Do not destroy a fruit tree. TL 603. Deut 20:19-20

Marital Relations:

 1. That we are not to have sex before a marriage certificate is present, or outside of the marriage certificate. NTL. TL 59, 60, 64, 102. Lev 18:20, Deut 23:18, 24:1, Num 5:30, Matt 5:27-28, 19:18, Luke 18:20, Acts 15:20-29, Rom 13:9, 1 Cor 6:18, 7:2-11, 36,38, 10:8, 1 Thess 4:2-3, Heb 12:16-17, James 2:11

2. That a husband shall have one year to rejoice his wife. Exempting him from public labor, military service and the like. *In an age where women work as well this should also be applied to her. We can all agree this is not always a realistic option but it should be attempted and at least get a solid honeymoon time. Focusing on each other that first year.* TL 61, 62. Deut 24:5.

 3. To provide in all ways for the wife. NTL. TL 63. Ex 21:10, Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7, Eph 5:31

4. To honor your spouse, women submitting to their husband and men to leading. their wives. *Headcovering a symbol of a woman's submission to her husbands God given authority, but can not be considered an immediate aspect to the command as it is never mandated in the Torah*. NTL. TL 65, 66. Deut 22:19, 1 Cor 11, Eph 5:22-28, Col 3:18-19, Tit 2:2-6,  1 Pet 3:1-7

 5. That a divorce needs a formal document, is forever, and only available under conditions. NTL. TL 67, 68. Deut 24:1, Deut 24:4, 1 Cor 7:15, Matt 19:6, 1 Cor 7:10-11

6. That a widow whose husband died childless should be married to her brother in law, but that he can refuse to do this and if he does she is released. TL 59-61. Duet 25:5-9

 7. To not engage in marital relations with someone of blood or family relation. TL 82-100. Lev 18:6-18

 8. To not commit sodomy (inc. Homosexuality). TL 103. Lev 18:22

 9. Do not have intercourse when a woman is in Niddah. TL 101. Lev 18:19

 10. Do not have relations with an animal. TL 104, 105. Lev 18:23

For Women Only:

 1. Niddah Laws, regulations about handling your period. TL 572. Lev 15:19-24 Functional Niddah

For Church:

 1. Do not attend church when unclean. TL 608. Deut 23:11

If you are a Judge or Lawyer:

 1. To appoint Judges and officers in every community, ensuring they are well versed in the law of God and of the land. TL 227, 228. Deut 16:18, Deut 17:1

 2. Their job includes adjudicating cases of purchase and sale, liability of a paid depositary, loss for which a gratuitous borrow is liable, inheritances, damage caused by an uncovered pit, injuries cause by beasts, damage cause by trespassing of cattle, damage caused by fire, to adjudicate cases between a plaintiff and a defendant. TL 229-238. Ex 21:33-36, 22:5-8, Num 27:8-11.

 3. The court will not hear the testimony of the transgressor, a close relative of the defendant, a substitute party. TL 243-245. Ex 23:1, Deut 24:16

 4. To be upright in proceedings; examining witnesses thoroughly, not to decide in a case on a single witness, to give decision to a majority in the case of dispute in regarding the law, one who argues for aquital can not later argue for condemnation, to treat all parties with equal impartiality, not to render iniquitous decisions, not to favor someone, not to take a bribe, not to be afraid of someone, to dish punishment righteously. NTL. TL 246-262, 306-308. Ex 23:2-7, Lev 19:15, 35:12, Deut 1:17, 13:15, 17:11, 19:13-19, 22:26, 24:17, 1 Pet 4:15


 1. To appoint a Government. TL 582. Deut 17:15

 2. To not vote for a non-believer. TL 583. Deut 17:15

 3. That the Ruler should not be overly wealthy. TL 584-586. Deut 17:16-17

 4. That the Ruler should write an additional book of the Torah for himself. TL 587. Deut 17:18

Soldiers and War:

 1. Do not Fear your enemy. TL 598. Deut 3:22, 7:21, 20:3

 2. To appoint a Chaplain. TL 599. Deut 20:2

 3. Allow peace First in a permissive war. TL 600. Deut 20:10

 4. If you take a war bride treat her Righteously, as any other bride. TL 604, 605, 606. Deut 21:10-14

Nazarite Vow:

 1. A Nazarite shall not drink wine in any form. TL 588. Num 6:3

 2. He shall not eat grapes or any part of grapes. TL 589-592. Num 6:3-4

3. He will grow out his hair and not cut it. TL 593, 594. Num 6:5

 4. He will not enter a building with a dead body or defile himself with one. TL 595, 596. Num 6:6-7

 5. He will shave his hair when bringing offerings or when defiled. Num 6:9

Millenial Kingdom:

 1. Sacrifices and Offerings. Sacrifices have been completed in the ultimate sacrifice of Yeshua on the cross, to still give such sacrifices for sin removal is to say that his action was not adequate. There is some discussion on if Offerings should remain, and they do appear to be in effect in the Millenial Kingdom, but we do not have the Temple at the moment to enact them anyways so we are still in a place of them being inapplicable. TL 406-408, 430, 433, 434, 457, 459-560

2. Death Penalties and some judicial penalties. As we see in the New Testament, especially in the Gospel of Mark, Yeshua himself offers grace in a time of prior death penalty. From this we can see his grace offered and forgiveness. We also do not live in a Theocrasy and thus some punishments are unable to be kept by a Judicial Believer. This is not to say these are done away with! As we will be under God's theocrasy when the Millenial Kingdom comes and such laws will again be in place, albeit more than likely unnecessary. Because of this TLs 285-296, 298-305, 334

3. Dealing with an idolatrous city. This falls under a similar category as already mentioned with many judicial penalties and the death penalty. TL 355-357.

 4. Rules for the Kohanim (Priests) and the Levitical Order in the Temple. As we do not currently have a temple these regulations are unable to be followed, but we will see them return with the new Temple and the Millenial Kingdom. TL 372 - 401, 405, 416, 419, 432, 435, 444-446, 454, 455, 574. Ex 28:28, Lev 21-22, Deut 12:19, 18, Num 5-6, 19:9

5. How to build, care and handling of the Temple, Altar and the Holy Items within. TL 426-428, 431, 436-443, 447, 448, 456, 458. Ex 20:22-23, 25:8, 27:21, 30:32-33

6. Building, Care and Handling the Ark of the Covenant. TL 429, 449. Ex 25:15

Unapplicable: Please note!! As we know a law of God can not be changed or removed this section is mostly in relation to what God himself has changed or what was incorrectly translated in years gone by. Passages of the Latter are shown in proper context above and explained further below.

 - Tefillin. TL 19, 20. Duet 6:8 *Not standing as the conext of the verse also tells us to write God's word on our hearts, an action that we can all agree is not a literal action. Making the context figurative with it. To then see this we see instead that we are to keep his word in our hearts, on our minds, and in our actions (on our arms).

 - Reading the Shema morning and night. TL 23. Duet 6:7. This passage isn't just referring to the small segment, but to all of scripture. and so it is scripture as a whole we are to focus on, not simply the Shema.

 - Not to reap a full field, field laws. TL 41-52.  This was in order to leave a portion for those worse off than than the land owner to reap for themselves and help provide for themselves. The point of the law is to provide for those who need it. As we today are not all farmers this would instead be a call to help those in need; be it fiscally or by other means we have.

 - That a Eunuch, child of a forbidden marriage, Ammonite, or Moabite can not enter the assembly of Adonai. TL 59-61. Through Christ all may enter the Kingdom of God if they repent and follow him. This is a part of the glorious gospel and an act of God to redeem people.

 - Not to exclude a descendant of Esau or an Egyptian from the community of Israel for three generations. TL 62 and 63. There was a limit placed on these laws, 3 generations. As these where in placed in the time of Moses this time is gone now.

 - That houses sold within a walled city may be redeemed within a year. TL 269. Its not so much that this is gone or removed, but that it simply doesn't apply as the condition of a walled city is no longer met in our society.

 - To not make a covenant with "The Seven Nations". As the seven nations are gone, Canaanite, etc, this Law is actually complete. There is no nation to even come close to making a covenant with - unless you where to stretch to Palestine, which I do not recognize as a Nation by its own right. We are also not to allow them to live in a war. TL 601, 602, 607, 611, 612, 613

In Summary
We have 19 Laws relating to Yahweh.
We have 16 Laws relating to both Yah and people.
We have 26 Laws for relating to people.
We have 16 Laws for handling the world around us.
We have 10 Marriage Laws.
We have 1 for women only.
We have 1 for Synagogue/Church.
If you are a Judge you have 4 Laws.
If you are a part of Government you have 4 Laws.
If you are a soldier you have 4 Laws.
The Nazarite Vow has 5 Laws.
The Millenial Kingdom will enforce 6 Laws.
And there are 7 'Laws' which are either misinterpreted or negated.

Leaving us all to follow 78 Laws. 88 if Married, 89 if women. All the laws even in the Millenial Kingdom only come to 112, which isn't near so intimidating is it? Understanding the Law removes confusion and helps us to see things as simple and clear, as Elohim has always desired so that we may better follow his example and his desire.